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MaintenanceFatigue and sleep disturbances can adversely affect task efficiency and job completion in the maintenance setting. Both routine scheduled and new unplanned repairs will have higher error rates and prolonged time on task. Frequent shift work and irregular schedules contribute to sleep disruption and ultimately to maintenance personnel fatigue. Studies have shown that Aviation maintenance workers get significantly fewer hours of sleep per night than the general population. Sleep deprivation combined with occult sleep disorders could lead to increased absenteeism, poor work performance, increased time to perform assessments and repairs, increased errors and ultimately an increase in accidents. These errors can be omission and commission in nature, creating issues for work not done appropriately and work simply not completed at all.

Aerospace Medical Sleep Consultants can employ custom fatigue detection protocols to determine risk to maintenance workers and ultimately the aircraft and spacecraft that they manage. We develop and deploy strategies to enhance sleep quality and time, resolve underlying sleep disorders and ultimately mitigate and reduce errors and accidents.